Tale of Restaurant “The Castle”
Every fairy tale has its beginning and end. The beginning of this tale starts when, at the end of November 2021, we were contacted by the owner of the Hotel Complex The Castle in Pamporovo. His brief was extremely specific. It included building an identity focused on the restaurant – from a logo, slogan, and name of one of the halls, to the launch of social media communication and creating an entirely new menu.
We accepted the task with great enthusiasm. On one hand, this was due to our client’s upcoming strong winter season in which he would present his new identity. On the other hand, it was due to the first steps we would take in the deep waters of the restaurant business around the creation of a menu.
No need to say, the deadlines were extremely tight, but we the freaks somehow manage to bring out the best and most creative of us in such moments.
The first hurdle we had to overcome was the creation of a unified logo and slogan for the entire The Castle Restaurant. We say the whole because it has three separate halls that have their own distinctive style – Excalibur, The Terrace, and an unnamed one (of course, we’ll get to that). Up to this point, the first two halls had their own visual elements. Among them, however, there was no common stylistics that would unite them and include the third one.
The visuals for Excalibur and The Terrace looked like this:

The task was to create an overall logo for the restaurant based on that of The Terrace, as our client really liked its style and sensation.
Stepping confidently on the insight of the fairy tale castle and heavily inspired by it, we created a logo. We have woven various elements into it to visually recreate the feeling of a restaurant. We did not forget to arm it with a strong slogan that clearly speaks of the happily ever after ending. Of course, both were directly tied to the brand and directly communicated it.

Thus began the next adventure in this story.
The second task was to give a name to the third nameless hall, which would at the same time distinguish it from the other two, Excalibur and The Terrace, but also integrate it into them.
Inspired by the hall’s USPs – a more secluded and small space, with a cozy atmosphere, unique interior design, and a special focus on the premium wines tasted there – we created the name “The Magic”.
The insight was again hidden in the fairy tale, as a continuation of the overall concept of the complex and the restaurant. In fairy tales, the word “magic” is most often associated with the small details that turn the course and end of the entire story. The details differ from the mass. This hall is exactly like that – small, carrying a more special and unique spirit of its guests, turning them into the main characters.
In parallel with all this, we also launched the communication of The Castle Restaurant on Facebook and Instagram. Naturally, here too we involved the fairy-tale element in the creation of visuals and the writing copies to them.

With this, we have almost reached the end of our story, but what it will be – you will find out if you follow our blog. 🙂