Engaging and creative for Imperium Est
When we started working on the Imperium Est brand we were very excited. The idea of the mystique of Italy, personal development, and the distinctive Italian renaissance inspired us so much that we were on the verge of organizing our next team building in the land of unique flavors and small joys.
We have already told you about the Dream of Italy at the basis of a cosmetics brand. But still, we all know that the basis of cosmetic products is their ingredients. Today we will introduce you to one that sets Imperium Est apart from most of the cosmetics on the market, and also to another ingredient that we personally added.
The brand’s secret
The ingredient, the brand’s competitive advantage, is cannabis oil. At the mere mention of this combination of words, we are sure that the hairs on the back of some more conservative mothers stand on end and their senses are instantly sharpened. Here we will calm you down. Cannabis oil is starting to gain more and more popularity in the cosmetic industry because of its properties. It has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect and also helps to treat a number of skin problems – acne, dryness, dermatitis, atopic skin, etc. You’re starting to see why we were so excited when we started working with Imperium Est… But that’s not what this case is about.
To the brand’s unique cosmetic formula, we successfully added an ingredient that complemented the cocktail of emotions and sensations. That’s…
With great desire and supported by deep insights, we added various engaging posts to the brand communication from the very beginning.

We also created banners to complement the brand’s display advertising strategy.

In 2022, we were even more daring and creative in our ideas.

With a visual, we communicated to users the idea that the key to change (whether internal or external) is themselves. Upon pressing it and zooming in on the screen of a mobile device, all that was visible was their own reflection – the first step towards refinement.
In February, we wanted to immerse Imperium Est in the atmosphere of love and tender feelings when consumers are looking for a gift to please their loved ones. Our client welcomed the idea and fully trusted us. Thus, the entire visual communication of the brand was colored in the gentle tones of love.

By adding the ingredient “creativity” to Imperium Est’s online social media presence, we have allowed a cosmetic brand to fully develop its potential to its audience in Italy and Europe. Creating the monthly content for it is a real adventure that we embark on without a second thought. Each post is like a little trail on a treasure map, and the real treasure is the completed cycle that we create each month.
If you also want to know more about the ingredients we use in our successful creative projects, don’t stop following our blog.