Branding of a multifunctional residential building
In our article The Retail Treasure of Panagyurishte – Pana Green Park, we talked in detail about an ambitious project for a complex that includes both a retail park and a multifunctional building with administrative and sports areas, as well as a luxury residential part. Our client was so satisfied that he decided to contact us when it was time to proceed to the second stage of the project – the construction of the identity of the building, as well as the launch of online and offline communication. The year 2021 was already passing away, and we started work with enthusiasm as if it were a new year.
The task was tricky because we had to make the two brands as one. At the same time, they had to have their distinct individualities. Driven by the idea of family and comfort, and also by the possibility of creating a new home in a modern Panagyurishte building, the brand name – Pana Green Residence was born, which testifies to a small part of the whole project. Then we proceeded to the second part – the logo. We created one that would represent the brand in the most correct way possible, giving it a luxury and at the same time sufficiently modern look.
For the design, we started from the already existing Pana Green Park logomark, subjecting it to the same style.
Our creativity also unfolded during the production of a printed corporate presentation. It aimed to present Pana Green Residence to potential new-home buyers, unfolding all the benefits, amenities, and services that will be found in the multi-functional building. If you want to immerse yourself between the pages of the presentation of the most modern building, you can do it here.
And we didn’t stop there. We have created a website that is in harmony with the overall style of the brand, sufficiently informative, and user-friendly.
Our main goal in its creation was to provide as much information as possible, which is structured in separate categories with a focus on the building itself (services and amenities), the apartments, offices, other projects of the investor, and, of course, an active panel for each of the floors, through which users can select a floor and a specific apartment. This made a nice user experience, and website visitors themselves could take a quick and easy virtual tour of their potential new home.
And to make things even more interesting, our client was planning open house events at various businesses in Panagyurishte and the region, we made a banner, a branded stand, and a small brochure.
Naturally, in March 2022 we launched the communication of the brand on Facebook and Instagram. Our main goal was to differentiate its content from the standard one. With true creative passion, we created visuals and wrote copies that would catch the attention of consumers, make them smile, and dream of a new apartment at Pana Green Residence.

So, with a lot of desire and a highly creative spirit, we created the Yin (Pana Green Residence) for the Panagurian Yang (Pana Green Park). Two halves that complement each other in a perfect entirety but still have their own individualities. We are more than happy that we managed to spread the word about Pana Green Residence so much that there is not a citizen (and not only) left who has not heard about the multi-purpose residential building.
Keep following our blog to learn more about every housing project we work on.