Prize bell at Mall Markovo Tepe
When the bell rings for s creative of a campaign – it’s our favorite. But when it comes to Back to School – we all know how hard it is to be original anymore.
The summer imperceptibly passed, and with it came this challenge – to organize another campaign for the first day of school, but this time for our new client – Mall Markovo Tepe. So, the bell for our team’s next school brainstorming session – officially RANG. The difficulties we were faced with were two – How to generate another creative idea, bearing in mind that we are organizing Back To School for the eighth time in a row. The other challenge was how to generate not just another creative, but an entirely new mechanic and creative to be the first in.
The task was extremely difficult, but we freaks are extremely crazy and motivated to surrender to a new challenge. We never stopped believing that the creative well is endless and you can always come up with a new idea and insight that will give birth to originality – as long as you dive in willingly.
So it happened!
We came up with a unique and simple mechanic, with subsequent creative for Mall Markovo Tepe‘s Back to School campaign. And as we all know, geniusness always lies in the simple things in life. In the following lines, we will introduce you to our campaign:
When we talk about school, one of the main symbols we associate it with is the school bell. We all remember how it created an emotion in us – some were motivated, others were annoyed because it was the “oh, let’s go back to class” moment. And since the day of the first bell ring was September 15, we decided that it would directly participate in our mechanics. But our bell would only bring joy and excitement. The bell of Mall Markovo Tepe was the prize bell.
During the campaign period, users had to shop at a minimum value of BGN 50, and then visit the Info desk and register their receipt. Once they did, there were 5 school bells waiting for them, but only one was a real bell. The task was easy – to guess which bell is ringing. If they chose the correct one that rings, they won a prize.
There was a great end result – creative, with a clear and understandable message. Slogan, font, object – they fully communicated the insight behind the mechanics of our campaign – the bell of Mall Markovo Tepe, which brings nothing but excitement and prizes.
In addition to the official campaign, we decided to make the school spirit for mall spread even more, so we added another element to the mechanics that was a surprise for the visitors. During the campaign period, a radio spot played in the mall. The message was the following – if you hear the school bell ring in Mall Markovo Tepe, you should quickly go to the Info desk and register your receipt for at least BGN 50, and the first one to do so won a certain prize.
We organized the campaign on the weekend before September 15, 10-11.09.2022. The result exceeded our expectations and the campaign turned out to be very successful. This led us to the decision to extend its period, by organizing it also the weekend after September 15 – 17-18.09.2022. Our creative quickly went viral on social media and it looked like this:

Thus the start of the campaign was set, and the school spirit hovered in the mall.

Happy children, parents, client…of course, we too. We can only be happier if we know that you are following our blog.