Transforming POWERBAND into a real PowerBrand
It’s one of those clients that you feel you want to try and rock the sales from the very beginning. Our client POWERBAND offers a one of a kind product called Kre–Alkalyne + Vit.E that help athletes and people who do sports on a regular basis have beter endurance and tonus. We call it one of a kind, because there is no Kre–Alkalyne product on the EU market combined with Vit. E. Why is this of such a difference? Well, it comes to the good quality of the main ingredient first. Second, Vit.E helps Kre–Alkalyne stays longer in your system and gets you better results and performance.
So, we faced a high resistance from the main target to try the product for several reasons. On one hand, Kre-Alkalyne is much more expensive than kreatine, which is the most popular form of sport endurance supplement on the market. On the other, the target didn’t really seem to be interested about the added Vit. E and how it can help the main substance be better absorbed and used by the body.
We had to act and it was just about for the spring to come, the most dynamic period for the fitness supplements market – so, we decided to ask our client to produce samples, also called sachets with 7 capsules that are to be taken before а workout so that each of the users could take the capsules before he starts his workout or sport activity and actually feel the difference during and after his workout. And so POWERBAND did!
Meanwhile, we were busy with a new landing page for our POWERBAND FREE SAMPLE campaign. We simply asked for the user’s name, email, telephone and of course – the delivery address where he would receive a free sample by courier. Plus, each of the subscribers had the opportunity to become a reseller of the brand. What was our surprise when 20% of all registrants asked to become resellers themselves.
We started promoting the campaign via POWERBAND’s social media channels. We also backed up our marketing efforts by promoting the campaign via Google Ads Search & Display, as well as remarketing in Gmail.
But this was not all. Meanwhile, at https://powerband.info/become-a-reseller , we had a Resellers’ program running that targeted fitness and sports professionals with individual practice to promote the product to their clients. Each of them could register at the website as a reseller and receive a special code, that could be used by their clients for a discount. The reseller would receive 20% of each order made, while the end buyer is granted with 10% discount. So, next step was promoting our Resellers’ campaign to fitness and sports influencers and bloggers.
For this campaign, we didn’t have any much left budget to so we had to be quite creative. We identified the most popular fitness bloggers in Bulgaria and we chose 15 of them to send a present box with our product. Some of them are trainers in sport gyms, other are athletes, we even targeted nutritionists.
So we packaged a personal beautiful box for everyone. We putted in a personal branded metal bottle, a full pack of the product for the influencer to try for 2 months, a free sample of the product to give as present, personal cards with two promo- codes: one for the blogger with 20% discount and one with 10% discount for their followers. And we wrote and included a nicely designed and printed letter, telling who we are just to familiarize our influencers with the product and its benefits. We sent out all the boxes via courier and we started waiting.
How we planned our campaign to work:
- We send the present box to the blogger;
- He/She tries the product;
- If the blogger is satisfied with the results, he/she shares blog article, post, photo on their blog or social media channels;
- The bloggers can provide 10% coupon discount for their followers;
- We engage bloggers’ followers;
- The result is great organic awareness of the brand.
And it was not long before they started spreading the word.
One of the most famous fitness influencers for woman in Bulgaria – Bilyana Yotovska with more than 110 000 fans on her Facebook page, posted about the product and the brand on her social media channels.
Bloggers started sharing their individual promo codes in their channels, they placed our banners on their websites, they shared content and talked about the product.
One morning one of the bloggers even sent us a happily Viber message the moment he received the box. Others posed 🙂
One of them even posted an unpacking the product video on YouTube and shared on all his channels:
With a budget of EUR 200 only we were able to reach more than 150 000 targeted audiences and to engage a minimum of 10% of it with POWERBAND’s Kre-Alkalyne+Vit. E brand idea.