The Pitcher – The pinnacle of startup pitching events! 15 April 2017, Istanbul, Turkey
You have a great startup idea and can’t wait to present it to the world?
We are pleased to announce that Social Freaks is a Media partner of a new startup event – The Pitcher.
On April 15th, 2017 in Istanbul you will have the opportunity to become more successful by the most quickly developing and inspiring startup-business event – The Pitcher.
The Pitcher is the place where ideas get a chance to shine in front of many influential and successful investors. Held for the first time in 2016 in Istanbul, organized by Insprad – a Turkish company focused on innovative technologies, media and entrepreneurship projects. The first edition of the event involved 30 startup companies, over 45 investors and 250+ attendees, which determines its great success, putting the solid foundations of the possibility that it could become an annual forum. It is no coincidence that the event becomes so broad popular and support from many local and international sponsors and media partners.
The Pitcher team works hard to attract a huge number of investors, as well as the masters of creative ideas. You can find the full investors list in 2016 on http://thepitcher.org/.
In 2017 the pitching startups will be 20 and over 70 investors are expected to be attending.
All attending investors will be looking for innovations with the potential to turn into game-changing business ideas. They have a global mindset and are open to investing in companies that are not located in Turkey.
Reserve your seat. The startup application is open. You can register by completing a form on the homepage – http://thepitcher.org/.
The deadline is March 15th.
What The Pitcher 2017 offers to the pitchers?
• Pitch directly to over 70 investors and accelerators.
• Chance to get investment offers from experienced investors.
• Opportunity to get prize awards by TEB Private Angel Investment Platform /88 startups, 3816 entrepreneurs, 669 investors/.
• Opportunity to get 75% discount for San Francisco T-JUMP by ODTÜ Teknokent
• One month of free co-working space usage in TEB Girişim Evi.
• ‘Technology and Business Development’ consultancy hours with Technolera.
All attendees will have the opportunity to visit various conferences, seminars and workshops. Drinks are provided for all participants, as well as: snack breakfast, lunch, a cocktail on the after party.
The event has a key location: Workinton, situated in Levent 199. Levent 199 is located on Buyukdere Street, the premier business address in Istanbul’s most expensive and prestigious district, Levent. And if you wander where to stay, ThePitcher’s team provided 3 offers to their webpage.
Feel free to share the event with your entrepreneurs and startup teams network, so they can take the opportunity to become part of the most significant pitching event not only in Turkey but also in the whole region. The Pitcher is the event that anyone with a business idea should visit! Chances like this do not occur every day, and who would not want to trip into the magnificent Istanbul?
Link of the event – https://www.facebook.com/events/703265826503253/
More information can be found in the official social media channels of the event: