Meet Social Freaks: Krasimir
Krasi is our intern! He joined Social Freaks this summer and with his unique imagination and original drawn visuals brought a sense of freshness we all needed. Because of his eye for detail he’s known around the office as “the gif master” and the nickname is well deserved. Let’s get to know him. 🙂
1. Krasmir is…?
A young and inspired artist, striving to become a visual art master in the areas of design, illustration and 3D.
2. How do you get inspired?
I get inspired by life, art and my faith. In art I get inspiration from quality work, made with a lot of skill and vision – like the classical masters of art. Other times it can be something very simple – a photograph capturing a moment of life that brings you back to childhood or shows you the harsh realities of life, or a beautiful sculpture dramatically depicting people’s challenges. For me art is a means to get a message across – a means through which you can reach a person’s heart of hearts, bring inspiration or simply make someone laugh. Art is a major responsibility and also a great blessing. Art for me is a necessity.
Life inspires me because of people and their nature – the tragic mixture of our ingenuity, heroism and love together with our blindness, egoism and cruelty.
My faith inspires me because it gives an answer to all of these problems.
3. What is design for social media for you?
An interesting challenge. I think my role is somewhat of a tailor, making brands look good online. It’s amazing to see how your work can help a not-so-well-known brand reach people who would potentially like and use its products. There is something very fulfilling about that.
4. Why Social Freaks?
You should probably ask the question the other way around. I was just starting out as a designer when I came across Social Freaks. I guess they wanted me because I have “a different point of view”. I didn’t know them that well when I started but working with them has helped me see them as true artists.
5. If you could meet your younger self, what advice would you give yourself?
Don’t be a rebel. Don’t waste your time.
6. A new beginning or an unexpected end?
Neither. It’s better when things are as the should be without those two options. I won’t get bored.
7. Favorite advertising campaign?
I don’t think I have one. But I prefer campaigns that tell a true and inspiring story and brands that don’t take themselves too seriously.
8. Make a wish to our readers.
Thank you for your attention and I wish your inspiration always comes from a good and meaningful source.