PERSONS BY USING THE SITE, YOU REPRESENT THAT YOU AGREE WITH collection, storage, use and dissemination of your data as described in the current policy and to comply with the contracts between our company with you, if applicable.


The purpose of this document is to inform you about the collection, storage, use and distribution of your data (the “Data”) as a result of your use of this Site and your rights in this connection.
Please read this page carefully before using this site. If you do not want this Policy to be binding on you, you should not enter this site. The data may be used by our Company and may also be used by the Company’s trading partners.
The security of your data is very important to us and we are working hard to provide a confidential and secure framework.
The contact point for the Company, namely the Data Protection Officer, is:
Elitsa Mihaylova by Email:
You can also contact this official at:
Social Freaks LTD
5 Danube Blvd.
4000 Plovdiv

If you have questions about this Policy or any complaints about your use of the Data, please contact the Data Protection Officer and we will do our best to address your complaint or your questions as soon as possible.

The data we collect is the data you choose to provide to us.
Visiting the site involves the automatic collection of data about: your internet protocol address, operating system, and browser type, system administration, and for security reasons and to collect aggregated information. These are statistics for our users’ actions and navigation patterns.

The types of personal information we collect and process include:
• The information you provide us by completing the registration form on our site. This may include, inter alia, your name, e-mail address, telephone number.
• Correspondence with you, including – but not limited to – notifications, requests, questions, and more. We also collect and store a number of personal information automatically sent from your browser at the time you enter our site, such as:
• Internet protocol addresses (IP addresses);
• The type of browser and its version;
• The type of device and operating system used;
• Date and time of entry into the Site;

Your personal data will be stored for the duration of your account and / or newsletter subscription. We will delete the data associated with your account or your Newsletter subscription as soon as you decide to deactivate it or, as the case may be, unsubscribe from the Newsletter. However, data may not be deleted at the same time as deleting your account and / or unsubscribing from the Newsletter. We also reserve the right to retain the Data if necessary to fulfill our legal obligations, to resolve disputes, etc.

The information you provide us is treated with the utmost confidentiality.
However, in some cases, we may be required to disclose your information in order to comply with the law.

We may also disclose information to companies in our company group or third-party companies:
• who offer us services, if necessary to provide you with any information you require. For example, we may need to disclose your personal information to our representatives or public relations consultants;

• if such a third party is our professional consultant or that of any company in our company group; • The information we collect at the time you fill out the newsletter subscription form or contact form can be submitted to our service and support provider; Our site may include links to third party sites. We do not control the privacy practices of these sites. Therefore, if you are logging into the site, you should make sure that you have read the privacy policy of the site in question.

INFORMATION NOT REQUESTED If we receive any personal information that we did not directly request from you and determine that we could receive such information from you, if we requested it, we will take the necessary steps to notify you within a reasonable time that we have collected that data. To the extent that we have not been able to collect this information from you by requesting it, we will proceed to destroy or denominate it. Any unsolicited information will be used for the purposes set out in this Policy and in connection with the purpose for which you provided it.

Right of access
During the processing of your data, you are entitled – but you are not required to pay any fees or expenses of any kind – to receive from us the following information:
a) Confirmation of whether or not we process your data
b) Access to the Data and the following information:
• the purposes of processing;
• the relevant categories of personal data;
• recipients or categories of recipients to whom personal data are or will be disclosed;
• the period for which this data is expected to be stored;
• the right to ask us to correct or delete the data, or to restrict the processing of the data and the right to object to the processing;
• the right to file a complaint with the National Supervisory Authority for the processing of personal data at: 1592 Sofia, Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov ”№ 2 Correspondence address: 1592 Sofia, Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov ”№ 2 Phone: 02 915 3 518 Website:
• In case the data is not collected directly by us – any available information about their source;
• the existence of automated decision-making, including profiling.
• if the Data is transmitted to a third country, the guarantees regarding such transmission; c) The right to receive a copy of your personal data Right of correction Throughout the processing of your data, you have the right – but you are not required to pay any fees or costs of any kind – to require us to correct inaccurate data or to complete incomplete data within 30 days after receiving your written request.

Right to delete Throughout the processing of your Personal Data, you are entitled – but you are not required to pay any fees or charges of any kind – within 30 days of receiving your written request to request us or – depending on the case – we will automatically delete your data in the following situations:
(a) if the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were otherwise collected or processed;
(b) if the data subject withdraws the consent that you have given to the processing of the Data and there is no other legal basis for the processing;
c) if you object to the processing of your data and there are no legitimate grounds to take advantage of the processing of your data;
d) the personal data have been unlawfully processed; Data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation. Right to restrict processing Throughout the processing of your data, you are entitled – but you are not required to pay any fees or costs of any kind – to request us to limit – within 30 days of receiving your written request – processing in the following cases:

a) if you dispute the accuracy of your data, the restriction is made during the period in which we check the accuracy of the data;
(b) if the processing of the data is unlawful and you object to the deletion of your personal data and instead require a restriction on their use;
c) If we no longer need your personal data for the purposes of processing, and you require them to establish, exercise or defend a right in court;
d) During the period in which we review whether our legal rights as an administrator override your rights as a data subject, if you do not wish to process the data.

In cases where processing is restricted, the Data may be processed – with the exception of storage – only with your consent or for the purpose of establishing, exercising or protecting a right in a court of law or for the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person. because of the public interest.
The right to be informed of the correction or deletion of personal data or the limitation of their processing During the entire period of processing of your personal data you are entitled – but you are not obligated to pay any fees or charges of any kind – receive from us – within 30 days of receipt of your written request – information about the recipients of the personal data, who are informed about the correction or deletion of the personal data or the limitation of their processing.
Data portability right
Throughout the processing of your personal data you are entitled – but you are not required to pay any fees or expenses of any kind – to receive from us – within 30 days of receiving your written request – any data that concerns you, in a structured and auto-readable format, and the right to send this information to another operator if:
(a) the processing is based on your consent or contract;
(b) the processing is carried out in an automated manner.
The transmission of data to another operator may be made directly by us, to the extent that you request it or where it is technically feasible. Right of objection and automated decision making
You have the right at any time to object to the processing of Data, including profiling and the right to object to the processing of data for any direct marketing purpose.
Your right to object may be exercised by submitting a written request to us.
In view of the above, you can contact our Data Protection Officer directly.

Your data will be processed and stored with your consent until it is withdrawn. CONFIDENTIALITY AND SECURITY Data protection is very important to us. We will take all necessary security measures to protect your data against unauthorized access or to modify, notify or destroy unauthorized data.

This requires internal reviews of data collection, storage and processing and security measures, as well as physical security measures to protect against unauthorized access to systems where we store personal data. We have technical and organizational security measures in place to protect your information against unauthorized access, loss, destruction or accidental or deliberate alteration. These measures shall be constantly updated and adapted to ensure the highest level of protection.
All personal information will be processed using secure pages, SSL encryption systems marked with a padlock located at the bottom of the browser window.

This policy may be modified by us at any time. Until such a change occurs, it will be effective from the date of publication of the updated version of our site.

LEGAL CHANGES IN THE COMPANY If the Company is involved in a process of restructuring, merger, acquisition or any other change of management or transfer of assets, your data may be transferred as part of this transaction, and then we will notify you in this regard.
COOKIES Cookie Policy for Social Freaks, available from
This policy is maintained for cookies and websites on this site. What is a cookie? Cookie – A small file and alphanumeric file that is stored on your computer by a computer, mobile device, or other technical device of any user used on the Internet. Cookie – install the query on a web browser from a daily browser (for example: Internet Explorer, Chrome) and is “passive” (contains no software, viruses or spyware and no user hard disk information is available).

What are cookies used for?
These files make it possible to recognize the user’s terminal and present the content in a user-friendly manner. Cookies are used to produce aggregate anonymous statistics that help us understand how our web sites are useful to a user, allowing us to refine their structure and content, excluding the identification of the user .

What cookies do we use?
We use two types of cookies: per session and fixed. The latter are temporary files that remain in the user’s device until the end of the session or until the application (browser) is closed. Fixed files remain on the user’s device for some time within the cookie parameters or until they are manually deleted by the user.

How are cookies used on this site?
Cookies may be installed on any visit to this site for the purposes of:
• cookies on site performance;
• cookies for visitor analysis
• Geo-targeting cookies
• Recording cookies
• cookies for advertising
• Advertiser cookies

Do cookies contain personal information?
By themselves, cookies do not require personally identifiable information to use and in most cases do not personally identify Internet users. The personal data collected through the use of cookies can only be collected to facilitate certain features for the user. Such data is encrypted in a way that makes it impossible for unauthorized persons to access it.

Delete cookies
In general, any application used to access websites allows you to save cookies to your device by default. These settings can be modified in such a way that the automatic cookie control is blocked by the browser or the user is informed every time cookies are sent to his / her device. Detailed information about the capabilities and ways of managing cookies is located in the settings area of the application (browser). Restricting your use of cookies may affect some features of the Website.

Why are cookies important to the Internet?
Cookies are the main focus of an effective Internet, helping to make it easy for users to navigate, tailored to each user’s preferences and interests. Some sites may become unusable due to the refusal or deactivation of cookies. Refusing or disabling cookies does not mean that you will not receive online advertising, only that it will no longer be able to monitor your preferences and interests that stand out through your behavior.
• Examples of important uses of cookies (which do not require authentication of the user in a profile):
• Content and services tailored to the user’s preferences – categories of products and services.
• User-friendly offers – remembering passwords.
• Keeping child protection filters related to content on the Internet (family mode options, safe search features).
• Frequency capping – Limit the number of times an ad is shown to a specific user on a site.
• Provide more relevant content to the user.
• Measurement, optimization and analysis features – such as validating a certain level of traffic to a site, what kind of content is viewed, and how a user reaches the site (for example, through search engines, directly from other sites, etc.). Sites perform these analyzes on how they are used to improve themselves for the benefit of users.

Security and privacy issues
Cookies use plain text [plain text]. They are not composed of pieces of code and therefore cannot be applied or triggered automatically. Therefore, they cannot be duplicated or reproduced on other networks for re-activation or reproduction. Because they cannot perform these functions, they cannot be considered viruses.
However, cookies can be used for negative purposes. Because they store information about the user’s preferences and navigation history, both on a specific site and on several other sites, cookies can be used as a type of spyware. This is known to many anti-spyware products and they constantly mark cookies for deletion as part of the anti-virus removal / scanning procedures.

In general, browsers have built-in data security settings that provide different levels of cookie acceptance, validity, and automatic deletion after a user has visited a particular site.

Other security issues related to cookies:
Since identity protection is a great value and a right for every Internet user, it is advisable to know what kind of problems cookies can create. In order to transmit information in both directions, information between the browser and the site, if a hacker or unauthorized person intervenes while transferring data, the information contained in cookies may be intercepted.
Even very rarely, this can happen if the browser connects to the server using an unencrypted network (eg: unsecured WiFi network). Other cookie-based attacks include incorrect cookie settings on the servers. If a site does not require the browser to use only encrypted channels, hackers can exploit this vulnerability to prevent browsers from sending information through unsecured channels. The hackers then use the information to gain unauthorized access to certain sites. It is very important to be careful when choosing the right way to protect your personal information.

Helpful tips for safe and responsible cookie-based navigation.
Due to their flexibility and the fact that most of the most visited and largest sites use cookies, they are almost inevitable. Disabling cookies does not allow the User to access the most popular and used sites, including Youtube, Gmail, Yahoo and more.
Here are some helpful tips that can help you navigate your cookies safely:
• Customize your browser settings for cookies so that you reach a level that is comfortable for you regarding cookie security.
• If cookies do not interfere with you and you are the only person using the computer, you can set long periods to store your navigation history and personal access data.
• If you share your computer with another person, you may want to consider setting up your browser to delete the individual navigation data each time you close your browser. This is a way to access websites that install cookies and to delete any business information when you finish the navigation session. • Continually install and update your spyware protection applications. Many spyware detection and prevention applications involve the detection of site attacks. This prevents the browser from reaching sites that could exploit browser vulnerabilities or download malicious software.

Make sure your browser is always up-to-date.
Many cookie attacks are exploited by exploiting the weaknesses of older browser versions. Cookies are everywhere and cannot be avoided if you want to enjoy access to the best and largest local or international websites on the Internet. If you have a clear understanding of how they work and the benefits they bring, you can take the necessary security measures so you can navigate the Internet with confidence.

Disabling and refusing to accept cookies may make it impossible or difficult to visit and use some sites. Also, refusing to accept cookies does not mean that you will no longer receive / view online advertising.

You may set the browser to no longer support these cookies, or you can set it to accept cookies from a specific site. But for example, if you are not logged in with cookies, you will not be able to leave comments. All modern browsers offer the ability to change cookie settings. These settings are usually located in the “options” menu or the “preferences” menu of your browser.
The following links may be useful for you to understand these settings; otherwise, you can use the browser’s help menu for more details
Internet Explorer cookie settings
Firefox cookie settings
Chrome cookie settings
Safari cookie settings
For third-party cookie settings, see also the site: http: //

Useful links If you would like to know more about cookies and what they are used for, we recommend the following links: Microsoft Cookie Guide [Microsoft Cookies guide] All About Cookies [All About Cookies]