Marta: In the beginning was the Word (short for writers), Part Two
Marty is made out of a lot of noise, conflicting thoughts, endless ideas and paradox nature. But beyond that she loves the mountains, draws inspiration from her faith and when she’s not working 9-to-5 she is writing for Social Freaks’ corporate blog.
A mono-dialogue of two Marties in one single story:
For you writing is..?
A gift that you have to constantly work on and as any other gift it takes a lot of practice but also unlocks almost immediately when you are rested or just listening to the rain.
What brought you to Social Freaks?
I was in the process of looking for a new job. I accidentally came across their Facebook page and decided to write to them. The next day I was sitting with Ely in the agency’s office. It was love at first sight and we simply got together.
Is content marketing well developed in Bulgaria?
I wish I could say “yes” but I think this is the time it’s beginning to take off as part of the digital world. Many people think that writing or translating is a piece of cake but it’s not. True writing is a high form of self-expression and surrender and like any other form of art it takes dedication, inspiration, a lot of reading and a lot of time.
A new beginning or an unexpected end?
Both: on one hand everything unfinished drives me crazy and in this sense I’m a total perfectionist, on the other however I love the excitement that comes with a new beginning and the opportunity it brings.
What do you dream about?
Oh … I dream about so many things and I strongly believe in every single dream of mine. I really like living in the unseen and sometimes the clash with reality makes me sad.
What makes you laugh these days?
My friends, my family, the two bunnies in the office. I try to be laughable at all times.
What would you say to the rest of the team?
Continue to be diverse, spontaneous and open.
With this mono-dialogue of two Marties ends our third non-blog post about non-people.
1. If you haven’t read the stories of the other team members, it’s not too late.
2. If you want to know more about us, we’re just a click away: “About us”.
3. Some free advice: if you’re visiting the beach this summer it’s time to start your Monday diet.
4. If you’re not in shape, all is good, just smile.
5. We love you the way you are with all you moods and insights.
P.S. Thank you for reading this post without yawning!
The end.