Real and virtual travel – creativity and real-time marketing
Real-time creativity
With the development of social media, real-time marketing is becoming more effective for different businesses and it’s used more often. Its main feature is that it builds on current events that are happening at the moment. Creativity in creating this type of content lies in the ability to connect the moment with the brand. We used this method for one of our great clients – New Wave Holidays.
New Wave Holidays is a Bulgarian tour operator which combines all the benefits of the bulgarian tourism industry. Our client boldly rides the wave of creativity and embraces the trends of digital advertising.
• While looking for hot news to tell about the brand’s hot deals, we came across a real TV video in which a gas station employee extinguishes a customer’s cigarette with a fire extinguisher.
• Autumn is a wonderful holiday period in Spain and we were looking for ways to promote the brand’s offerings there. Europe was excited at that time, and the news come fast.
• At the end of the year we expected some heavy snow. We were not surprised by the lack of reservations for the Bulgarian winter resorts. Surprisingly, however, the news warned us for the dangerously dirty air over Sofia. We reminded our consumers that despite the absence of snow in the city, in the mountains we breath, instead of measure.
• The snow unexpectedly returned on the first spring. At that time the brand has started promoting trips to exotic destinations. At that time in Bulgaria, we were helping cold-frozen white storks.
Check out our video case study on Real Time Marketing, that we applied to New Wave Holidays It visually presents the entire content creation process.
• We used the infamous Penka cow news, which was known as a border violator, crossing the border between Bulgaria and Serbia.
• We created a creative post regarding the news of a football fan who wrote the name of his favorite team on the monument in Hiroshima.
Real-time marketing continues to be relevant and effective, and it is unlikely that this will change soon. Thanks to this type of content other than clichéd “Buy, buy content”, we were able to reach high levels of engagement by reaching a wide audience, generating thousands of clicks and last but not least – entertaining users. This strategy undoubtedly works because creativity and real-time reactions help to establish an emotional connection between a brand and its audience, and this connection always brings positive results.